Saturday, November 26, 2011

Home Times Two

It's my last night in Plano.

It's always hard when my time in Plano wraps up- especially when it includes time with my favorite people, delicious food, great cocktails- and many blessings. I'm sitting here on my parents' couch, watching SNL with my dad (asleep in his chair) and just soaking in my last night. No matter how old I get, it's so hard to leave home.

But I have to say- I'm excited to head to my home tomorrow. It's sad to say goodbye, but it's also nice to have that feeling of missing home. I can't wait to see my little house, decorate for Christmas, let Maizy run around her own house, rediscover her favorite spots.

And even though the past few days have been non-stop crazy busy, I feel rested and renewed. It's so wonderful to spend a few days out of your routine.

And, that's saying a lot, for someone who needs a routine.

I ran different routes than usual. Drank mom & dad's coffee. Ate giant meals, surrounded by family, not worrying about how many calories I was consuming. Checked Twitter/Facebook/Blogs just once (or a couple- but no more!) times a day. Saw Breaking Dawn. Went to dinner with a friend. Ran the Turkey Trot. Played Mario Party with my siblings. Took a nap on my parents' couch.

So as I sit here on that very couch, it's nice to know that in just a few short weeks, I'll be back for Christmas- for more favorite people, delicious food, great cocktails- and more blessings. And another nap or two on this very couch.

But in the meantime, I'm looking forward to running on my trail; brewing a cup of my coffee; sleeping in my bed; and appreciating that I have two very special places to call home.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You know I love routine as much as you do! But I did come home from the mountains yesterday feeling rested and renewed and ready to take back on my routine as well as the craziness of the holidays. It is nice to get away, but it is always nice to come home too. :)

  3. Had a few typos in the first one that I didn't notice till I published! Whoops! ;)


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