Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's Beginning to Feel A Lot Like Fall!

Is anyone else suffering from a severe sore throat?!
Because I sure am. I'm hoping it's just allergies. Because I'm driving to Dallas this weekend for some QT with the fam!
Here's what I've been up to lately....
*Finalizing house stuff (closing date is 2 weeks from tomorrow!)
I'll have more pictures soon, I promise!

*Keeping tabs on my Volvo repair at the body shop (should be ready the same week I close on the house. Red letter week!)

*Eagerly awaiting the arrival of Baby Bannasch over in Germany! Oh, how I wish I had a private jet right about now.

*Spending hours upon hours at Auction Network. Our little broadcast is growing faster than ever and requiring a LOT of my attention these days.

Other things I'm excited about...

The arrival of my Shutterfly Toby album! I'll give you a sneak peak soon!

And.. this blog social event in Dallas in November, hosted by the fabulous Kelly who designed my blog! I plan on attending!

Loving the way fall is shaping up so far! :)

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