Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

I've heard of this "Wordless Wednesday" blog trend that people participate in.

Always one to be a follower (ahem) I decided to participate. But I'm putting a new spin on this whole "Wordless Wednesday" business.

I call it, "Share iPhone Photos and Give A Small Caption Wednesday."

Something that catchy is going to spread like wildfire in the blogging community.

We'll start with this magnificent creature. I met him at a ranch auction a few weeks ago.

Moments after this picture was taken, I was nearly trampled to death. But that's another story for another day.

Next, this. Hello, lover. Not that I would ever need anything even remotely this big. But, it does detract nicely from my "spider fingers."

I'm double-jointed, ok?

Moving on... to this. A still portrait. A family. Four children, two parents. I did not take this on my iphone.

...but, I did take this. The similarities between the two photos are striking.

Help me spread the word about "Share iPhone Photos and Give A Small Caption Wednesday"!

Making a difference in the blogosphere,

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