We're inching closer to the ONE year anniversary of my house (can.not.believe.it) and the house is feeling more "finished" by the month! (I know you long-time homeowners are laughing at me; it's never finished, is it?!)
Everytime my mom visits, she.. encourages?... me to make that next big purchase. A rug. New bathroom... everything. She even tackles projects while I'm at work.
And when my dad comes... big things happen. Heavy things get hung on the walls. Cords get tucked away. Garages get cleaned and organized.
Yes, I'm a lucky girl. (Thanks, mom & dad!)
My goal right now is to throw a housewarming/house anniversary party this October. I'm already envisionig my giant willow tree out back with it's drooping fall leaves... my beautiful bush in front a fiery red. The weather cool, maybe a small fire pit in back?
An October housewarming. As opposed to my current July warm house. (Another 100+ day around here!)
But BEFORE any of this... there's one room that needs finishing: the guest room/office.
I've known what I wanted a long time: a room that will stir my creative juices, that reflects my taste and style but also my love of reading and travel. I knew a map needed to find it's way to my wall.
Enter: Judy Kaufmann. You can't see very well- but this map is colorful, it's modern (two requirements) and it has BIRDS perched on each continent. (You faithful followers know what that means.)

I've loved Judy Kaufmann's style long before this map came into play. Her use of nature- trees and birds. And... lucky girl, she lives in Spain. I've seen her Barcelona bungalow featured on several blogs I love. And imagine my surprise when I found this map, fell in love, and learned... it was designed by Judy Kaufmann. Meant to be.

Every office needs a good desk. This one at World Market has definitely caught my attention- not to mention it's wallet-friendly.
So these two purchases will be made in the coming weeks... and soon after, the invitations for my first ever house warming party will hit people's mail (in)boxes.
In October, my house will feel "finished." November... there are no guarantees what "additions" will come!
That map is so awesome. LOVE IT!!!